Anti Wrinkle Injections

Anti Wrinkle Injections

Anti wrinkle injections are used to help reduce the muscle activity that cause a wrinkle when it moves. A typical example is the frown, forehead and around the eyes. Although dermal filler can be used to lift the wrinkles in these areas, it is the muscle activity that causes the wrinkle in the first instance.  Imagine, you’re walking around in the sunshine squinting from the sun… As you walk indoors your frown relaxes but leaves lines behind etched on your skin. You may look angry all the time or simply look older before your years. Whatever the reason, ‘Anti wrinkle injections (BTX) will stop the muscle movement that’s causing the problem. Leaving you looking refreshed, and the skin will no longer crease due to the lack of movement.

Typical areas for these include the frown line, forehead and the outer around the eyes in the upper face. Other areas of concern can also be the lower face, such as the chin, lines above and below the lips, the jowl, the neck, the masseter (for slimming wide jaw lines, especially for those who clench their jaws), depressor anguli oris (for reducing the jowls caused by making a sad face), nasalis (to prevent wrinkles appearing on the ridge of the nose as you scrunch your nose) and underarm for reducing excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) under the armpits.

Each area is covered in more depth further down the page, including frequently asked questions.

We take pride in our work,
here's some recent client results
for Anti Wrinkle Injections

Anti Wrinkle Injections Before


Anti Wrinkle Injections After


Before and 2 weeks after anti wrinkle treatments. Showing the reduced movement to the frown muscles.

Anti Wrinkle Injections Before


Anti Wrinkle Injections After


Before and 2 weeks after anti wrinkle treatments. Showing the reduced movement to the forehead muscles that pull up the brows. As you can see the brow isn't rising as much as it was before, and the wanted side effect of which is the reduced number of lines seen on the skin. At this point in time, the client will have an additional dose at the review appointment to further stop the remaining movement.

Anti Wrinkle Injections Before


Anti Wrinkle Injections After


Before and 2 weeks after anti wrinkle treatments. Showing the reduced movement to the circular muscles around the eyes. Not the pinching in the out corner, just under the eye before treatment and the reduction in movement after the treatment.


Results can’t be seen on the day of the treatment as it takes 3 to 14 days for the effects to appear. As a result, we book a review appointment in for you 2 to 3 weeks after your initial appointment to check the status of the movement and give an additional dose where it’s needed.

Doses vary from person to person, with variations in dose to the forehead ranging from 20 to 180units (su) per person. Therefore attending your review appointment is as critical as attending your first appointment. Reviews that aren’t attended within a 2-3 week window, will have to wait until their following appointment in at a minimum of 12 weeks time.

Treatment areas
& features

  • Frown
  • Forehead
  • Eyes
  • Upper Lip
  • Bridge of the Nose
  • Gummy Smile
  • Neck
  • Jawline/ Jowls
  • Masseter - Bite muscle
  • Underarms
  • Chin

Watch more about
Anti Wrinkle Injections

What are anti wrinkle injections?

What are anti wrinkle injections?

Learn about how we reduce the muscle movement and improve the dynamic lines.


Appointment duration

30 Minutes

Treatment Suitable For

All ethnicities & skin types

Treatment Course

Available as 1 off treatment

Anaesthetic Required


Duration of Results

8 to 26 weeks

Treatment Risks

Eyelid or Eyebrow Droop & Skin infection

Expected Side Effects


Skin Preparation

None required

Treatment For

Dynamic lines

Anti Wrinkle Injectionspricing list

Upper Face

Anti wrinkle treatments using a muscle relaxant to the upper face

Treatment AreasAesthetic Nurse PriceNurse Director PriceDoctor Price
Frown and Forehead£205£255£205
Frown and eyes£205£255£205
Frown, Forehead & Eyes£255£305£205
Frown, Forehead, Eyes and Lip lines£285£335£205
Frown, Forehead, Eyes, Lips, and Sad Mouth Corners£305 £345£205

Lower Face

Anti wrinkle treatments using a muscle relaxant to the lower face, examples of this can be around the lip to relax an over active lip muscle, treating the mouth corners that can overly pull the mouth corners downwards which in turn can cause us to look sad and cause wrinkles, as well as the masseter muscle. The masseter muscle often presents itself with teeth grinding and TriGeminal Myal

Treatment AreasPrice
Upper & Lower Lip£100
Sad Mouth Corners£100
Gummy Smile£100
Face Slimming£205
Teeth Grinding£205

Questions & Answers

We need to move your initial appointment so that the review can be performed within the 2 to 3 week timeframe.
I have only seen 1 case of the drug not working since 2007. It is very rare for this to happen.
If you have lines at rest prior to the treatment, you will continue to have lines after the treatment. At your consultation you will be advised if this is the case abd additional treatments may also be recommend if you're looking to get rid of your lines.
We highly recommend that you retunr for your review so that you can complete your treatment successfully.

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