
Age Spots

Age spots are commonly referred to as either age spots or sun spots and are as a result of continued exposure over the years to Ultraviolet rays from the sun or sun beds.

These can be easily treated with prescription skin care or resurfacing treatments.

We offer ZO and Neostrata products to reduce and prepare the skin prior to having a chemical peel. Whilst the resurfacing treatments can also include laser, tixel and microneedling.


Prescription skin care can help reduce the factors in the skin required to increase and make pigment in the skin. In addition prescription skin care can help increase and speed up the exfoliation of the skin, reducing the pigmentation seen in the skin.

Resurfacing treatments are a faster way to reduce pigment in the skin, however, preparing the skin beforehand may be required in order to reduce unwanted side effects caused by the inflammation in the skin.

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Questions & Answers

Prescription skin care, microneedling, chemical peels, and laser.
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