How to use retinol correctly.

How to use retinol correctly.

Firstly, I will explain why you need the ‘sandwich technique’ so you don’t end up like this…


Did you know Retinol binds with the vitamin A in your skin to help exfoliate your skin away faster, as a result the skin can appear drier. However, this means that the dead skin cells are coming away from the surface of the skin at a faster rate than normal. Because of this we want to start with a low intensity and apply slowly. By this we mean applying the retinol once a week for three weeks before applying more frequently.

This could mean you reduce the amount to four days for a couple of weeks and then two days for a couple of weeks before eventually reducing it to daily usage. However, some people need the ‘sandwich method’ as this can help minimize potential side effects, such as dry skin. This method is simple and easy to follow, you simply apply a layer of barrier cream before and after using retinol.

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