
Acne Help and Small Changes for Big Results 

Skin Care Tips Part 3: Acne Help and Small Changes for Big Results 


Acne can be frustrating, but the good news is that small, consistent tweaks to your daily routine can have a big impact on your skin’s health. In this part of the skin care series, we’ll focus on some practical, often overlooked tips for managing acne and keeping your skin clear.  


  1. Change (and Flip) Your Pillowcase Often

Your pillowcase can easily become a breeding ground for bacteria, oils, and skin cells that build up each night. When this debris sits against your face while you sleep, it can contribute to acne and skin irritation. Here are a few easy strategies to keep your pillowcases fresher, longer: 


– Change your pillowcase frequently – aim to swap it out at least every other day. 

– Flip your pillow over each night if, like many of us, you have a favorite pillow and don’t want to swap it. Flipping allows each side to stay clean for one night, giving you twice the use before needing a change. 

– Use multiple pillows if you can. This way, you’re rotating between a few, and each pillowcase will get washed more regularly, further minimizing the bacteria your skin is exposed to. 


These small habits can reduce acne-causing bacteria and make a noticeable difference over time. 

  1. 2. “Choose Your Hard”

I love this term: Choose your hard. What’s harder—dealing with the frustration and pain of bad skin, or making the effort to change your pillowcase more frequently and commit to a double cleanse routine? Often, skin care improvements come from consistent, small changes rather than complicated, pricey solutions. Remember, small steps like swapping pillowcases and cleaning your skin properly may feel tedious, but they’re much simpler than constantly managing breakouts. 


Be patient. Skin takes time to adjust to new routines, so give it a few weeks to notice real results. 


Sometimes, it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. So, choose your hard and give your skin the attention it deserves! 

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